Thursday, May 28, 2009

The National Textile Policy

Rajya Sabha The National Textile Policy – 2000 formulated in the year 2000 with an objective of strengthening textile industry including creating additional employment opportunities is in vogue and it is applicable till 2010. Govt. formulates new textile policies from time to time based on the needs of the industry. (i) In order to facilitate modernization / technology upgrdation of textiles mills, Government had launched Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) for Textile and Jute Industries w.e.f. 1.4.1999 for a period of 5 years which was subsequently extended up to 31.3.2007 and further extended during Eleventh Five Year Plan upto 31/03/2012. It is a credit linked scheme and provides interest reimbursement of 5% points on the interest charged by the lending agency on a TUFS compatible machinery / project. The scheme provides an additional option to the powerloom units to avail of 20% Margin Money subsidy in lieu of 5% interest reimbursement on investment in TUF compatible machinery. The scheme also provides 15% Margin Money subsidy for SSI textile and jute sector in lieu of 5% interest reimbursement. The scheme provides 5% interest reimbursement plus 10% capital subsidy for specified processing, technical textiles and garmenting machineries. (ii) In order to provide infrastructure support, the govt. has initiated Scheme for Integrated Textile Park (SITP) w.e.f. August 2005. Under the scheme, govt. support is restricted to 40% of the project cost subject to ceiling of Rs. 40 crore. (iii) National Jute Policy – 2005 was framed and operationalised from 1.3.2007 for five years with four Mini Missions. Each Mini Mission has several schemes for promotion and development of the jute sector. The Mini Mission has a scheme on “Acquisition of Machinery and Plant” with an outlay of Rs.82 crores. Under this scheme, all eligible Jute Mills/Jute Diversified Products (JDP)/manufacturing units are entitled to get subsidies for procurement of the eligible machinery, for modernisation, upgradation/or establishing a new unit. The sudsidy is 20% of the cost of identified plant and machinery procured by Jute Mills/JDP units upto a maximum of Rs.75 lakhs per company. For machinery set up in North Eastern States and for new projects, the ceiling is Rs.100 lakhs per recipient. So far twelve (12) Apparel Park projects under the Apparel Park for Exports Scheme (APES) have been sanctioned, with a total project cost of Rs.437.44 crores, including Government of India assistanceof Rs.184.22 crores. Grant-in-aid amounting to Rs.125.00 crores has so far been released under the scheme. State-wise sanction is – One each in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan and two each in Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh. The Scheme for Integrated Textiles Parks (SITP) was brought into force in 2005-06 by merging the then existing two schemes, namely, Apparel Park for Exports Scheme (APES) and Textile Centers Infrastructure Development Scheme (TCIDS). So far forty (40) textiles parks projects under the Scheme of Integrated Textiles Parks have been sanctioned with a total project cost of Rs.4203.15 crores, including Government of India assistance of Rs.1438.03 crores. Grant-in-aid amounting to Rs.475.21 crores has so far been released under the Scheme. State-wise sanction is – Maharashtra (9), Gujarat (7), Andhra Pradesh (6), Tamil Nadu (6), Rajasthan (4), Punjab (3), West Bengal (2), Madhya Pradesh (1), Karnataka (1), Assam (1). As far as Orissa and Jharkhand States are concerned, no project has been sanctioned under any of the aforesaid schemes i.e. Apparel Park for Export Scheme and Scheme for Integrated Textiles Parks. This information was given by the Minister of State for Textiles, Shri E.V.K.S. Elangovan in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today. NSK/SL

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